Another Gap in Medicare…
Medicare was designed to cover an individual’s need for short-term medical care and treatment. It does not cover the need for long-term custodial-type care. The skilled nursing facility (SNF) benefit is as close as Medicare comes to meeting the long-term care need. However, Medicare defines the SNF benefit narrowly so that the Medicare program pays only a small percentage of the nation’s total nursing home bill and will not pay anything for care that is strictly custodial. Individuals may want to consider purchasing long-term care insurance to protect against the need for long-term care, whether that care is delivered at home, in a nursing home or in some other facility.
Unfortunately, most group health insurance plans, individual Major Medical programs, and Medicare do not cover Long-Term Care services. Consequently, any type of extended care will often place an emotional and financial burden on both the individual and their family members.
Today’s Long-Term Care plans are the bridge that helps keep people out of nursing facilities by providing benefits for assisted living care, community care, and all levels of care in your home. The freedom to choose where and how you are cared for will give both you and your family members great peace of mind.
We at Mature Health Services have helped thousands of families protect themselves from the greatest risk which Americans over the age of 50 face… Long-Term Care.